Data Preparation#

  • author: Hamid Ali Syed

  • email: hamidsyed37[at]gmail[dot]com

import warnings
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Data collection#

Let’s do some Web Scrapping#

Let’s do some Web Scrapping. We can scrap the radar site information from the website of the Indian Meteorological Department (IMD) and extract location information from the HTML using BeautifulSoup. Then, we can clean and transform the extracted data into a Pandas DataFrame, with longitude and latitude coordinates for each location. Finally, we can plot the DataFrame as a scatter plot using longitude and latitude as x and y axes, respectively.

url = ""
response = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")

# extract the relevant part of the HTML
images_html = soup.find_all("script")[-2].text.split("images: [")[0].split("],\n")[0]

# split the HTML into individual locations and extract the relevant information
locations = []
for image in soup.find_all("script")[-2].text.split("images: [")[0].split("],\n")[0].split("{")[1:]:
    location_dict = {}
    for line in image.split("\n"):
        if "title" in line:
            location_dict["title"] = line.split(": ")[-1].strip(',')
        elif "latitude" in line:
            location_dict["latitude"] = line.split(": ")[-1].strip(',')
        elif "longitude" in line:
            location_dict["longitude"] = line.split(": ")[-1].strip(',')

# create a DataFrame from the list of dictionaries
df = pd.DataFrame(locations)
df = df.dropna()
df['title'] = df['title'].str.strip(", ").str.strip('"')
df['longitude'] = df['longitude'].str.strip(", ").str.strip('longitude":')
df['latitude'] = df['latitude'].astype(float)
df['longitude'] = df['longitude'].astype(float)
df['title'].replace("Goa", "Panaji", inplace=True)
df.plot(kind='scatter', x='longitude', y='latitude')
title latitude longitude
2 Bhopal 23.259900 77.412600
3 Agartala 23.831500 91.286800
4 Delhi 28.563200 77.191200
5 Bhuj 23.242000 69.666900
6 Chennai 13.082700 80.270700
7 Panaji 15.490900 73.827800
8 Gopalpur 19.264700 84.862000
9 Hyderabad 17.385000 78.486700
10 Jaipur 26.912400 75.787300
11 Kolkata 22.572600 88.363900
12 Kochi 9.931200 76.267300
13 Karaikal 10.925400 79.838000
14 Lucknow 26.846700 80.946200
15 Machilipatnam 16.190500 81.136200
16 Mumbai 19.076000 72.877700
17 Nagpur 21.145800 79.088200
18 Sohra 25.270200 91.732300
19 Patiala 30.339800 76.386900
20 Patna 25.594100 85.137600
21 Srinagar 34.083656 74.797371
22 Jammu 32.926600 74.857000
23 Thiruvananthapuram 8.524100 76.936600
24 Visakhapatnam 17.686800 83.218500
25 Mohanbari 27.472800 94.912000
26 Paradip 20.316600 86.611400
27 Sriharikota 13.725900 80.226600
28 Jot 32.486800 76.059300
29 Murari 30.789800 78.917850
30 Palam 28.590100 77.088800
31 Mukteshwar 29.460400 79.655800
32 Veravali 19.734300 72.876300
33 Kufri 31.097800 77.267800
34 Surkandaji 30.411400 78.288500

We have procured the name, lat, & lon info of all the radar sites and is saved in df. Now, let’s search for their frequency bands. I have found a webpage on the IMD website that contains this information for most of the radars. Let’s make a request to a URL and create a BeautifulSoup object to parse the HTML content. It will find a table on the page, then we can extract the headers and rows of the table, and create a Pandas DataFrame df2 from the table data.

Drop the "S No" column, clean up the "Type of DWR" and "DWR Station" columns by removing certain text, and replace some values in the "DWR Station" column.

# make a request to the URL
url = ""
response = requests.get(url)

# create a BeautifulSoup object
soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, "html.parser")

# find the table on the page
table = soup.find("table")

# extract the table headers
headers = [header.text.strip() for header in table.find_all("th")]

# extract the table rows
rows = []
for row in table.find_all("tr")[1:]:
    cells = [cell.text.strip() for cell in row.find_all("td")]

# create a DataFrame from the table data
df2 = pd.DataFrame(rows, columns=headers)
df2.drop("S No", axis=1, inplace=True)
df2['Type of DWR'] = df2['Type of DWR'].str.replace(' - Band', '')
df2['DWR Station'].replace('Delhi (Palam)', 'Palam', inplace=True)
df2['DWR Station'] = df2['DWR Station'].str.replace('\(ISRO\)', '').str.replace('\(Mausam Bhawan\)', 
DWR Station State Type of DWR
0 Agartala Tripura S
1 Bhopal Madhya Pradesh S
2 Bhuj Gujarat S
3 Chennai Tamil Nadu S
4 Cherrapunjee Meghalaya S
5 Palam Delhi S
6 Panaji Goa S
7 Gopalpur Odisha S
8 Hyderabad Telangana S
9 Jaipur Rajasthan C
10 Kolkata West Bengal S
11 Kochi Kerala S
12 Karaikal Tamil Nadu S
13 Lucknow Uttar Pradesh S
14 Machilipatnam Andhra Pradesh S
15 Mohanbari Assam S
16 Mumbai Maharashtra S
17 Nagpur Maharashtra S
18 New Delhi Delhi C
19 Paradip Odisha S
20 Patiala Punjab S
21 Patna Bihar S
22 Srinagar Jammu and Kashmir X
23 Thiruvananthapuram Kerala C
24 Visakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh S

Let’s merge two previously created Pandas DataFrames, df and df2, using the “title” and “DWR Station” columns as keys, respectively. It will drop the “DWR Station” column, rename the “Type of DWR” column as “Band”, and replace some values in the “title” column. The code will count the number of NaN values in the “Band” column, print this count, and return the resulting merged DataFrame.

merged_df = df.merge(df2, left_on='title', right_on='DWR Station', how='left')
merged_df = merged_df.drop(columns=['DWR Station'])
merged_df = merged_df.rename(columns={'Type of DWR': 'Band'})
merged_df['title'].replace("Goa", "Panaji", inplace=True)
num_nans = merged_df['Band'].isna().sum()
title latitude longitude State Band
0 Bhopal 23.259900 77.412600 Madhya Pradesh S
1 Agartala 23.831500 91.286800 Tripura S
2 Delhi 28.563200 77.191200 NaN NaN
3 Bhuj 23.242000 69.666900 Gujarat S
4 Chennai 13.082700 80.270700 Tamil Nadu S
5 Panaji 15.490900 73.827800 Goa S
6 Gopalpur 19.264700 84.862000 Odisha S
7 Hyderabad 17.385000 78.486700 Telangana S
8 Jaipur 26.912400 75.787300 Rajasthan C
9 Kolkata 22.572600 88.363900 West Bengal S
10 Kochi 9.931200 76.267300 Kerala S
11 Karaikal 10.925400 79.838000 Tamil Nadu S
12 Lucknow 26.846700 80.946200 Uttar Pradesh S
13 Machilipatnam 16.190500 81.136200 Andhra Pradesh S
14 Mumbai 19.076000 72.877700 Maharashtra S
15 Nagpur 21.145800 79.088200 Maharashtra S
16 Sohra 25.270200 91.732300 NaN NaN
17 Patiala 30.339800 76.386900 Punjab S
18 Patna 25.594100 85.137600 Bihar S
19 Srinagar 34.083656 74.797371 Jammu and Kashmir X
20 Jammu 32.926600 74.857000 NaN NaN
21 Thiruvananthapuram 8.524100 76.936600 Kerala C
22 Visakhapatnam 17.686800 83.218500 Andhra Pradesh S
23 Mohanbari 27.472800 94.912000 Assam S
24 Paradip 20.316600 86.611400 Odisha S
25 Sriharikota 13.725900 80.226600 NaN NaN
26 Jot 32.486800 76.059300 NaN NaN
27 Murari 30.789800 78.917850 NaN NaN
28 Palam 28.590100 77.088800 Delhi S
29 Mukteshwar 29.460400 79.655800 NaN NaN
30 Veravali 19.734300 72.876300 NaN NaN
31 Kufri 31.097800 77.267800 NaN NaN
32 Surkandaji 30.411400 78.288500 NaN NaN

Since there are NaN values in the “State” column, we can find the state names using lat and lon info. We can use the Cartopy library to create a map of India with state boundaries and labels. Then we will create a pandas DataFrame gdf containing the latitude and longitude coordinates of each state and union territory, and try to map the names of these places in the merged_df

import as shpreader
import geopandas as gpd
# Load the Natural Earth dataset
states_shp = shpreader.natural_earth(resolution='10m',
import as ccrs
import as shpreader
import cartopy.feature as feat

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.patheffects as PathEffects

# get the data
fn = shpreader.natural_earth(
    resolution='10m', category='cultural', 
reader = shpreader.Reader(fn)
states = [x for x in reader.records() if x.attributes["admin"] == "India"]
states_geom = feat.ShapelyFeature([x.geometry for x in states], ccrs.PlateCarree())

data_proj = ccrs.PlateCarree()

# create the plot
fig, ax = plt.subplots(
    figsize=(10,10), dpi=70, facecolor="w",

ax.add_feature(feat.BORDERS, color="k", lw=0.1)
# ax.add_feature(feat.COASTLINE, color="k", lw=0.2)
ax.set_extent([60, 100, 5, 35], crs=ccrs.Geodetic())

ax.add_feature(states_geom, facecolor="none", edgecolor="k")

# # add the names
for state in states:
    lon = state.geometry.centroid.x
    lat = state.geometry.centroid.y
    name = state.attributes["name"] 
        lon, lat, name, size=7, transform=data_proj, ha="center", va="center",
        path_effects=[PathEffects.withStroke(linewidth=5, foreground="w")]
locs = {}
for state in states:
    lon = state.geometry.centroid.x
    lat = state.geometry.centroid.y
    name = state.attributes["name"]
    locs[name] = {"lat": lat, "lon": lon}
gdf = pd.DataFrame(locs, ).T
gdf = gdf.rename({'index':'state'}, axis=1)
gdf.index = np.arange(1, len(gdf) + 1)
state lat lon
1 Ladakh 33.885957 77.634965
2 Arunachal Pradesh 28.035900 94.660514
3 Sikkim 27.572023 88.448173
4 West Bengal 23.805249 87.972564
5 Assam 26.356938 92.831287
6 Uttarakhand 30.163721 79.196121
7 Nagaland 26.059820 94.448403
8 Manipur 24.730388 93.861591
9 Mizoram 23.292031 92.819139
10 Tripura 23.754753 91.728537
11 Meghalaya 25.536122 91.287036
12 Punjab 30.848293 75.404354
13 Rajasthan 26.592714 73.834251
14 Gujarat 22.712829 71.558165
15 Himachal Pradesh 31.936310 77.220849
16 Jammu and Kashmir 33.557813 75.079701
17 Bihar 25.662102 85.604230
18 Uttar Pradesh 26.934734 80.541922
19 Andhra Pradesh 15.721672 79.924211
20 Odisha 20.517113 84.414536
21 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu 20.199380 72.992494
22 Maharashtra 19.460457 76.111348
23 Goa 15.352195 74.045828
24 Karnataka 14.719826 76.155168
25 Kerala 10.423815 76.424882
26 Puducherry 11.960162 78.885684
27 Tamil Nadu 11.014705 78.402304
28 Lakshadweep 10.120942 72.827601
29 Andaman and Nicobar 11.133776 92.975529
30 Jharkhand 23.642010 85.533387
31 Delhi 28.660865 77.107946
32 Chandigarh 30.743535 76.768380
33 Madhya Pradesh 23.539092 78.292780
34 Chhattisgarh 21.255901 82.033368
35 Haryana 29.208370 76.336467
36 Telangana 17.796650 79.050764
# merged_df.sort_values(by=['latitude', 'longitude'], ascending=False)
merged_df = df.merge(df2, left_on='title', right_on='DWR Station', how='left')
merged_df = merged_df.drop(columns=['DWR Station'])
merged_df = merged_df.rename(columns={'Type of DWR': 'Band'})
title latitude longitude State Band
0 Bhopal 23.259900 77.412600 Madhya Pradesh S
1 Agartala 23.831500 91.286800 Tripura S
2 Delhi 28.563200 77.191200 NaN NaN
3 Bhuj 23.242000 69.666900 Gujarat S
4 Chennai 13.082700 80.270700 Tamil Nadu S
5 Panaji 15.490900 73.827800 Goa S
6 Gopalpur 19.264700 84.862000 Odisha S
7 Hyderabad 17.385000 78.486700 Telangana S
8 Jaipur 26.912400 75.787300 Rajasthan C
9 Kolkata 22.572600 88.363900 West Bengal S
10 Kochi 9.931200 76.267300 Kerala S
11 Karaikal 10.925400 79.838000 Tamil Nadu S
12 Lucknow 26.846700 80.946200 Uttar Pradesh S
13 Machilipatnam 16.190500 81.136200 Andhra Pradesh S
14 Mumbai 19.076000 72.877700 Maharashtra S
15 Nagpur 21.145800 79.088200 Maharashtra S
16 Sohra 25.270200 91.732300 NaN NaN
17 Patiala 30.339800 76.386900 Punjab S
18 Patna 25.594100 85.137600 Bihar S
19 Srinagar 34.083656 74.797371 Jammu and Kashmir X
20 Jammu 32.926600 74.857000 NaN NaN
21 Thiruvananthapuram 8.524100 76.936600 Kerala C
22 Visakhapatnam 17.686800 83.218500 Andhra Pradesh S
23 Mohanbari 27.472800 94.912000 Assam S
24 Paradip 20.316600 86.611400 Odisha S
25 Sriharikota 13.725900 80.226600 NaN NaN
26 Jot 32.486800 76.059300 NaN NaN
27 Murari 30.789800 78.917850 NaN NaN
28 Palam 28.590100 77.088800 Delhi S
29 Mukteshwar 29.460400 79.655800 NaN NaN
30 Veravali 19.734300 72.876300 NaN NaN
31 Kufri 31.097800 77.267800 NaN NaN
32 Surkandaji 30.411400 78.288500 NaN NaN
from math import radians, sin, cos, sqrt, asin

# Function to calculate the haversine distance between two coordinates in km
def haversine(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2):
    R = 6371  # radius of Earth in km
    dLat = radians(lat2 - lat1)
    dLon = radians(lon2 - lon1)
    lat1 = radians(lat1)
    lat2 = radians(lat2)
    a = sin(dLat/2)**2 + cos(lat1)*cos(lat2)*sin(dLon/2)**2
    c = 2*asin(sqrt(a))
    return R*c

# Loop through each row in merged_df
for i, row in merged_df.iterrows():
    if pd.isna(row["State"]):
        min_dist = float('inf')
        closest_state = ""
        # Loop through each row in gdf to find the closest one
        for j, gdf_row in gdf.iterrows():
            dist = haversine(row["latitude"], row["longitude"], gdf_row["lat"], gdf_row["lon"])
            if dist < min_dist:
                min_dist = dist
                closest_state = gdf_row["state"][i, "State"] = closest_state
merged_df.sort_values(by = "latitude", ascending=False)
title latitude longitude State Band
19 Srinagar 34.083656 74.797371 Jammu and Kashmir X
20 Jammu 32.926600 74.857000 Jammu and Kashmir NaN
26 Jot 32.486800 76.059300 Himachal Pradesh NaN
31 Kufri 31.097800 77.267800 Chandigarh NaN
27 Murari 30.789800 78.917850 Uttarakhand NaN
32 Surkandaji 30.411400 78.288500 Uttarakhand NaN
17 Patiala 30.339800 76.386900 Punjab S
29 Mukteshwar 29.460400 79.655800 Uttarakhand NaN
28 Palam 28.590100 77.088800 Delhi S
2 Delhi 28.563200 77.191200 Delhi NaN
23 Mohanbari 27.472800 94.912000 Assam S
8 Jaipur 26.912400 75.787300 Rajasthan C
12 Lucknow 26.846700 80.946200 Uttar Pradesh S
18 Patna 25.594100 85.137600 Bihar S
16 Sohra 25.270200 91.732300 Meghalaya NaN
1 Agartala 23.831500 91.286800 Tripura S
0 Bhopal 23.259900 77.412600 Madhya Pradesh S
3 Bhuj 23.242000 69.666900 Gujarat S
9 Kolkata 22.572600 88.363900 West Bengal S
15 Nagpur 21.145800 79.088200 Maharashtra S
24 Paradip 20.316600 86.611400 Odisha S
30 Veravali 19.734300 72.876300 Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu NaN
6 Gopalpur 19.264700 84.862000 Odisha S
14 Mumbai 19.076000 72.877700 Maharashtra S
22 Visakhapatnam 17.686800 83.218500 Andhra Pradesh S
7 Hyderabad 17.385000 78.486700 Telangana S
13 Machilipatnam 16.190500 81.136200 Andhra Pradesh S
5 Panaji 15.490900 73.827800 Goa S
25 Sriharikota 13.725900 80.226600 Andhra Pradesh NaN
4 Chennai 13.082700 80.270700 Tamil Nadu S
11 Karaikal 10.925400 79.838000 Tamil Nadu S
10 Kochi 9.931200 76.267300 Kerala S
21 Thiruvananthapuram 8.524100 76.936600 Kerala C
# Merge merged_df and df2 on the "State" column
merged_df_with_band = pd.merge(merged_df, df2[['State', 'Type of DWR']], on='State', how='left')

# Replace NaN values in the "Band" column with corresponding values from the "Type of DWR" column
merged_df_with_band['Band'].fillna(merged_df_with_band['Type of DWR'], inplace=True)

# Drop the "Type of DWR" column
merged_df_with_band.drop('Type of DWR', axis=1, inplace=True)
merged_df_with_band.drop(2, inplace=True)
merged_df_with_band.drop_duplicates("latitude", inplace=True)
merged_df_with_band.drop_duplicates("longitude", inplace=True)
merged_df_with_band.sort_values(by="latitude", ascending=False, inplace=True)
merged_df_with_band.index = np.arange(1, len(merged_df_with_band)+1, 1)
f_df = merged_df_with_band.copy()
f_df.loc[f_df['title'] == 'Veravali', 'Band'] = 'C'
nan_mask = f_df['Band'].isna()
nan_df = f_df[nan_mask]
nan_df.loc[:, 'Band'] = nan_df['Band'].fillna('X')
f_df.rename(columns={'title': 'Site',
                     "latitude": "Latitude", 
                     "longitude":"Longitude"}, inplace=True)